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Genghis Khan : Brutal or Brilliant?: Home

Grade 7 History

Databases to Use

Day 1

Step 1

Go to this website:

Step 2

Choose Activity 2

Genghis Khan

Step 3

Click on “Background Information”.

Watch video: What does it mean to argue? And read background information about Genghis Khan.

Day 2

  1. Review the Sources to learn about Genghis Khan and the Mongols.
  2. Choose one of the statements below:
    1. Genghis Khan was a brutal leader.
    2. Genghis Khan was a brilliant leader.
  3. Using this sentence as a thesis, write a paragraph explaining your point of view. Use evidence from the materials you have read to support your response. You may want to engage in additional research.
  4. Think about:
    1. What made Genghis Khan an effective leader?
    2. What other words (besides "brutal" or "brilliant") would you use to describe him?
    3. Do you think he would have been successful if he had been born in a different time or place? Why or why not?

d. How did he change life in Central Asia?

Day 3

Day 3

Complete paragraph. Start file in shared Medieval History folder on OneDrive. Name file: Last name_Mongols