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MWH: Latin American Revolutions: Home

Unit 3: Age of Revolutions

Age of Revolutions

You will be assigned one of the following revolutions:
Mexican War of Independence, Independence of Brazil, Rebellion of Túpac Amaru II, Venezuelan War of Independence, Argentine War of Independence

Evaluate the extent to which your revolution represents Enlightenment ideals, Liberalism, Nationalism, and/or Conservatism.


EBSCO Discovery Services

If you need additional resources from what has been provided, please use EBSCO Discovery Services to access all of the NCS Databases. (BONUS - you can export any citation directly to NoodleTools!)


Use NoodleTools for your citations. Noodletools is available to sign in through your Microsoft 365 account. Simply choose that sign in option and proceed with your NCS account.


When searching for maps use quotation marks + map ("Venezuelan War of Independence" + map). You can also add the word 'post' to look for maps after the revolution (map post "Venezuelan War of independence"). Be sure it is a map with some attribution so that you can attribute it correctly as well - most likely you will cite it as an image in NoodleTools. Email Ms. Park if you have questions -


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Courtney Park
3612 Woodley Road NW Washington, DC 20016