Looking for something to read? NCS Libraries provide access to print, electronic and audio books through our print collections and Sora subscription. Take a look around and see what's new!
If you aren't sure about a book, please read or listen to a sample before checking out!
Check outs:
Loan: 14 days
Limit: 2 titles
Hold limit: 2 titles
Returns are automatic after 2 weeks, but please consider returning if you finish early.
Accessing Sora
Sora can be downloaded in Self Service (on school issued iPads), from any app store, or used through your computer.
Step 1: Find your school- National Cathedral School
Step 2: Log in with your NCS username and password
example: asmith (no @cathedral.org)
Step 3: browse and borrow!
Free Book Resources to Enjoy From Home
Harry Potter at Home in SORA
The Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone ebook and audiobook are now available for unlimited access on the Sora App! Borrow the title with no waitlists or holds! #HarryPotterAtHome.