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The Golden Age of Islam - Medieval History 7 2025: Science

Water Engineering

Scientists developed sophisticated technologies that advanced their societies. They excelled in the field of water engineering or hydrology.

Ideas for your Project:

  • Explain the technology behind the water wheel and the water clock and their uses for drinking water and agricultural irrigation.
  • Describe the Muslim constructions of dams, reservoirs, canals, and underground channels to re-route water to needed areas.


Navigational Instruments

Muslims were outstanding navigators who perfected and used technological marvels like the astrolabe and the magnetic compass.

Ideas for your Project:

  • Describe how tools like the astrolabe and/or magnetic compass worked and how they furthered oceanic exploration.
  • What other tools and methods did Muslim navigators use?
  • Famous navigators also produced treatises of sailing instructions. Describe the contributions of 16th century Admiral Piri Reis.


Mineralogy and Meteorology

Islamic scientists constantly contemplated the origins of rocks, minerals, mountains, earthquakes, and weather.

Ideas for your Project:

  • Describe the contributions of Ibn Sina (also known as Avicenna) in mineralogy and meteorology; Al Biruni in mineralogy; Al-Hamdani’s study of gold, silver and other gems. Cite the books that they wrote about earth science. Explain how they influenced the thinking of Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolas Steno, and James Hutton.


Databases To Use

Books to Use